Animal Nutrition


Highest demands on feed quality, protein content and nutrient availability

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Animal Nutrition


Aquaculture or aquafarming is the farming of fish, crustaceans and shellfish in salt and fresh water. With demand rising by two to three percent every year and many marine fish stocks already overfished, more than half of all fish and seafood now comes from aquaculture, which has grown at a double-digit clip for decades. 

Today, the world produces more farmed fish than beef. Not only is aquaculture necessary, it is also a sustainable option for consumers, especially in comparison to other farmed proteins: Seafood is highly resource efficient - it has the highest protein retention compared to chicken, pork and beef. It also has the lowest feed conversion ratio among the same forms of protein. In addition, aquaculture has lower greenhouse gas emissions than other types of farming. Sustainable aquaculture production in turn comes with many challenges: Animal health and vitality are just as important as achieving optimum performance to earn a good profit. High-quality feed helps to supply the fish an crustaceans with essential nutrients and vitamins and make fish and shellfish more visually appealing to consumers.

Our EMS toolkit for shrimp
With increasing food and nutritional needs on the one hand and production pressure from Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS) in shrimp on the other, there is a growing need for strategic and sustainable shrimp production. We offer an EMS toolkit for shrimp which comes with applied dosage and proven efficacy: Amasil® NA + Lucantin® Pink CWD working better together to mitigate EMS and optimize production. When Lucantin® Pink CWD is used in combination with Amasil® NA, there is a synergistic effect, providing an all-around protection: Firstly, a reduction in stress factors (Vibrio spp.) in the gut from Amasil® NA, and secondly, an improvement in stress tolerance from Lucantin® Pink CWD.

Your benefits at a glance

BASF products help to…

  • Bind toxins in aqua feed
  • Provide fish and shellfish with the necessary nutrients
  • Give salmon, trout and shellfish a desired and beautiful pink color
  • Increase survival rate of shrimp stock, affected by EMS (Early Mortality Syndrome)

Learn more about our solutions for aquaculture

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