Animal Nutrition


Poultry demand is growing by two to three percent every year and will continue to expand with nine billion people consuming ever-larger amounts of eggs and poultry meat by 2050. Producing poultry and eggs in turn comes with more and more challenges.
Pigs are monogastric (single stomach) animals and are inefficient digesters of fibre. Their nutritional requirements for optimal and healthy growth and performance are influenced by different factors such as e.g. the genetic potential, age and body weight or the physiological state.
Demand for meat and milk is increasing by two to three percent each year and will continue to grow. At the same time, the agricultural land available for feed production will remain limited. Meat producers and dairy farmers must meet the ever-growing global demand for high-quality meat and milk while resources become scarcer and commodity prices fluctuate unpredictably.
Aquaculture or aquafarming is the farming of fish, crustaceans and shellfish in salt and fresh water. With demand rising by two to three percent every year and many marine fish stocks already overfished, more than half of all fish and seafood now comes from aquaculture, which has grown at a double-digit clip for decades.
Companion Animals
BASF products contribute to the fitness and vitality of dogs, cats and other pets so that they may spend many joyful years as part of the family. Vitamins give them everything they need for their metabolism. And Novasil™ Plus ensures that aflatoxins cannot do them any harm.