Animal Nutrition


Essential for health and performance

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Animal Nutrition


Small quantities – big impact: Glycinates with organically bound copper, iron, manganese or zinc.

In the past, trace elements were added to the feed in the form of inorganic salts such as sulfates and oxides. Only a limited percentage was absorbed by the animal – the major part ended up in the manure. Quite a waste both financially and environmentally. Today, organically-bound trace elements such as glycinates are commonly used in animal feeds, since they show higher bioavailability. This results in increased animal performance and better animal vitality and productivity. BASF glycinates are very easy to digest with excellent solubility for optimal absorption.

Benefits at a glance

  • Better absorption and bioavailability
  • Essential nutrients for metabolism
  • Excellent flowability and mixing behaviour
  • Perfect combination of efficiency and animal performance

Get to know our BASF Glycinates


Our glycinates portfolio


Copper is important for the connective tissue. This means that it plays an important part in the health of your animals’ skin and cardiovascular health, but also in the process of eggshell production. Furthermore, copper protects against oxidation and it is needed as a co-factor for various enzymes.


Iron is responsible for oxygen binding in blood cells. It is also the main ion in many enzymes and plays a central role in antioxidative processes. Lack of iron leads to exhaustion and reduced performance.


Manganese is essential for cartilage formation and the reproductive system. It protects against oxidation and is required for your animals’ energy supply and wellbeing.


Zinc is important for collagen synthesis and keratin formation in hoof, skin, wool, hair and feathers. It also has a barrier function, protects against oxidation, and has a regulatory role in both cell turnover and repair of oxidative damage. Zinc is not only responsible for the reproductive and immune system, but also for proper growth according to your animals’ full genetic potential. Additionally, zinc is a co-factor in more than 200 enzymes.

Your questions – our answers

Why should you buy our glycinates?

In which formulations do we offer BASF's glycinates?

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