Animal Nutrition

Feed Enzymes


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Animal Nutrition

Proven and effective feed enzymes for the animal nutrition industry


In challenging times for the animal feed industry, we want to help you and your customers improve nutrition and reduce waste with our feed enzymes.

We know that up to 70% of the cost of animal production is in feed, yet around 30% of nutrients go undigested. Our enzymes are a proven solution that helps make more from less. We introduced them into animal feed for the first time ever over 30 years ago and we’ve been innovating and refining them ever since.

With our enzymes, you can produce feed that animals can digest far more easily, releasing and utilizing nutrients more efficiently, and mitigating naturally occurring antinutritional factors. They provide animals sustainably with more energy, amino acids, minerals, and trace elements. Not only by enhancing nutrient digestion and reducing the quantities of raw materials required, but also by promoting animal vitality by helping balance intestinal microbial populations for a pre-biotic effect.

Enzymes from BASF help animals make the most of feed, and help both you and your customers make more from less: The science of sustainable feed that succeeds.

BASF's feed enzymes have proven highly effective by

  • contributing to more sustainable animal protein production 
  • improving nutrient utilization in feed, 
  • saving raw material resources
  • reducing eutrophication by less excretion of phosphorous trough phytase
  • help to attenuate the negative cost impact of high feed prices and to reduce the consumption of valuable resources like inorganic phosphates

Our enzymes portfolio

Natugrain® TS

Non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) are virtually indigestible compounds in vegetable feedstuffs used for pig and poultry nutrition. Their anti-nutritional effects reduce the efficiency of the feeds by trapping valuable nutrients, thus preventing them from being digested. Natugrain® TS improves the digestibility of nutrients and energy utilization from feedstuffs such as wheat, corn, rye, barley, sorghum, etc.

Natuphos® E

As a pioneer in the field of enzymes in animal nutrition, BASF launched Natuphos®, the first phytase, more than 30 years ago. Since then, nutrients such as phosphorus, other minerals and amino acids present in feed can be better utilized. With BASF Natuphos® E, the first commercial hybrid-6-phytase, BASF is once again setting a new standard in feed phytase technology from which our customers and partners in the feed industry can benefit.

Natupulse® TS

Nutrients are not utilized partly due to antinutritional factors (ANFs) like ß-mannans which are contributed by soybean meal and other plant-derived protein sources in commercial diets. By adding Natupulse® TS containing the NSP enzyme ß-mannanase to the feed, nutrient and energy digestibility can be improved, supporting a more sustainable animal protein production.

Your questions – our answers

Why should you buy our enzymes?

What animal species does our enzymes portfolio cover?

In which formulations do we offer our enzymes?

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