Animal Nutrition

Feed Preservation & Hygiene

Optimize the nutrient content and quality of harvested feed

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Animal Nutrition

Feed Preservation & Feed Hygiene

Feedstuffs such as cereals, corn, legumes or even compound feeds are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, fungi or yeasts.

If the water content and storage temperature are too high, these microorganisms can multiply explosively. This leads to spoilage of the feed, which can impair the performance of the animals or lead to serious animal diseases. BASF has more than five decades of experience in the preservation of feed and feed ingredients with its organic acids.

Your benefits at a glance

With our feed portfolio we help you to 

  • Reduce the microbial population & improve the hygienic quality of feed
  • Optimize the nutrient content and quality of harvested feed
  • Improve the hygiene of by-products and farm-produced compound feed
  • Particularly recommended when feeding breeding sows and piglets and when used in liquid feeds
Guide to Feed Preservation
For almost five decades, BASF has been active in the preservation of animal feed and feed components with organic acids. Our "Guide to Feed Preservation" was first published over 25 years ago with the intentions to give livestock producers a practical handbook that can be used for everyday challenges. It was continuously extended with new information over time. The latest version is now also available as download.

Discover our organic acids portfolio

Discover our clay products portfolio

Novasilect® AF
With Novasilect® AF against crop contamination. Aflatoxins are naturally occurring toxic metabolites that are produced by many species of the fungus. 
Novasil Plus
Novasil™ Plus is a natural clay that binds aflatoxins and acts like a “chemical sponge”, absorbing mycotoxins in the gastro-intestinal tract thus preventing the uptake in the blood and subsequent distribution to target organs.

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