Animal Nutrition

Digestibility & Feed Conversion

Increased nutrient utilization of feed

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Animal Nutrition

Digestibility & Feed Conversion

Optimal nutrient utilization of feed is an important lever for sustainable animal protein production.

Improved feed utilization and body weight gain also increase the economic efficiency of feeding. At the same time, natural resources are conserved and there is less excretion of undigested nutrients, which reduces the burden on the environment. Our portfolio of feed enzymes can make a significant contribution to improving digestibility and feed utilization, thus maximizing the nutritional value of animal feed. Organic acids ensure high feed quality, support digestion and have positive effects especially in the feeding of young animals.

Your benefits at a glance

With our feed portfolio we help you to 

  • Improve feed utilization & maximize the nutritional value of feed
  • Support digestion
  • Ensure high feed quality
  • Improve feeding of young animals

Discover our feed enzymes portfolio

Natuphos® E
As a pioneer in the field of enzymes in animal nutrition, BASF launched Natuphos®, the first phytase, more than 30 years ago. Since then, nutrients such as phosphorus, other minerals and amino acids present in feed can be better utilized. With BASF Natuphos® E, the first commercial hybrid-6-phytase, BASF is once again setting a new standard in feed phytase technology from which our customers and partners in the feed industry can benefit.
Natugrain® TS
Non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) are virtually indigestible compounds in vegetable feedstuffs used for pig and poultry nutrition. Their anti-nutritional effects reduce the efficiency of the feeds by trapping valuable nutrients, thus preventing them from being digested. Natugrain® TS improves the digestibility of nutrients and energy utilization from feedstuffs such as wheat, corn, rye, barley, sorghum, etc.
Natupulse® TS
Nutrients are not utilized partly due to antinutritional factors (ANFs) like ß-mannans which are contributed by soybean meal and other plant-derived protein sources in commercial diets. By adding Natupulse® TS containing the NSP enzyme ß-mannanase to the feed, nutrient and energy digestibility can be improved, supporting a more sustainable animal protein production.

Discover our organic acids portfolio

The acid blend Lupro-Cid® effectively combines the strengths of formic and propionic acid in one application. This combination is very effective against fungi, bacteria and yeasts. Moreover, it improves the production of silage when incorporated in the feed.
Lupro Cid® NA & Lupro-Mix® NA
Lupro-Cid® NA and Lupro-Mix® NA offer an optimal combination of propionic and formic acid to effectively reduce the number of yeasts, bacteria and fungi in feed. This prevents their reproduction and therewith stops undesirable fermentation processes. Moreover, they improve the production of silage when incorporated in the feed. As buffered products they are easy to handle and less corrosive.
If a high water content in feedstuffs coincides with the naturally high microbe population, explosive propagation of the fungi, yeasts and bacteria occurs. Luprosil® is traditionally known for its preservative and mold-inhibiting properties. It is highly effective against field fungi during harvesting and suppresses reproduction of mold fungi during storage. 

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