Animal Nutrition

Vitamin E

Essential for animal’s vital functions

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Animal Nutrition

Vitamin E


Vitamin E is an essential nutrient, performing a variety of vital functions in the organism that include various metabolic processes and the formation of antibodies.

It is also a well-known antioxidant that helps to suppress the autoxidation of vitamin A and unsaturated fatty acids.

Insufficient supply with vitamins can lead to disorders. While nowadays a truly deficient vitamin supply for farm animals is only rarely observed in agricultural practice, suboptimal vitamin supply or partial undersupply occurs more frequently.

Your benefits at a glance

Lutavit® E 50 & Vitamin E-Acetate

  • Protection of body tissues from damaging oxidative processes
  • Regulation of muscle metabolism
  • Preparation and protection of pregnancy
  • Formulated with a high quality silica that provides high stability
  • Consistently high-quality, reliable performance and safe to use
  • Easy to add to premixes and base mixes
  • Lutavit® E 50 with at least 50% vitamin content guaranteed through the whole shelf life of the product

Product Carbon Footprint at least 20% better than global market average!


More information

Vitamin E for Dairy Cows

The milk yield of our dairy cows has continuously risen over the last five decades. Aside from this impressive gain in performance, the susceptibility for diseases has increased at the same time. This is where higher doses of vitamin E at the start of lactation can make an important contribution in improving animal health.

Vitamin E is the most important antioxidant of the animal organism and can capture free oxygen radicals, from which its main metabolic properties in the dairy cow can be deduced. In addition to safeguarding animal health by improving immunity, it is well-known for its positive impact on fertility and stress sensitivity to which dairy cows are very susceptible at the start of lactation in particular.

Find the insights you need

Your questions – our answers

What animal species does our vitamin E product range cover?

In which form and standard packaging do we offer vitamin E?

What are the recommended dosages?

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Animal Nutrition
At BASF, we have extensive experience in supporting farmers and farming. Our BASF Animal Nutrition business is built on proven, high-performing, and sustainable solutions that have helped farmers worldwide enhance the quality and productivity of their livestock, aquaculture, and companion animal feed.