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Animal Nutrition

Organic Acids

Icons: Animal feed solution for Pig, Poultry, Ruminant, Sheep, Fish, Crustaceans, Pets

BASF organic acids preserve the quality of compound feed, grain, farm-based mixed feeds as well as byproducts and improve the production of hay and silage. 

Unpredictable weather patterns and heavy rainfall constantly present challenges to hay and grain harvest or to silage making. Acid treatment helps to protects feed against deterioration caused by microorganisms or their metabolites even at lower moisture contents.

Benefits at a glance

  • Protect feed against deterioration caused by micro-organisms or their metabolites
  • Improve the production of silage when being incorporated in the feed 
  • Compared to straight acids, our mixtures and blends are just skin and eye irritant and less corrosive

Our organic acids portfolio

Your questions – our answers

For detailed information on the application of our organic acids, please take a look at our
Guide to Feed Preservation



A grain field, grain silos in the background

Organic acids are available as liquids and powders (powders Asia only).

Icon animal feed additives in oil, liquid, powder or granulate form

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