Animal Nutrition

Vitamin B5

Improves the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats

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Animal Nutrition

Vitamin B5


Owing to its role in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is essential for all major species of livestock and companion animals.

Vitamin B5 deficiency can lead to pathological changes in the skin and mucous membranes, poor feed utilization, diarrhea, and hormonal and nervous disorders. Pigs and poultry are fundamentally dependent on supplementation of their feed with vitamin B5.

Your benefits at a glance

Lutavit® Calpan 98%

  • Excellent product's flowability and mixing behavior
  • Granulated product, which is virtually non-dusting
  • Outstanding solubility properties
  • High purity and stability

Find the insights you need

Lutavit® Calpan 98%
Lutavit® Calpan 98% meets the highest safety standards and regulatory requirements around the world and is suitable for all types of vitamin blends, premixes, and both mineral and mixed feeds. The requirement is 8-20 mg per kg of complete feed, depending on the species. For shrimp, a higher dosage is recommended (100-150 mg).

Your questions – our answers

What animal species does our vitamin B5 product range cover?

In which form and standard packaging do we offer vitamin B5?

How does the application of vitamin B5 work?

What are the recommended dosages?

Any further questions?

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Animal Nutrition
At BASF, we have extensive experience in supporting farmers and farming. Our BASF Animal Nutrition business is built on proven, high-performing, and sustainable solutions that have helped farmers worldwide enhance the quality and productivity of their livestock, aquaculture, and companion animal feed.