Animal Nutrition


Essential for cartilage formation and the reproductive system

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Animal Nutrition


BASF glycinates provide trace elements in an organic form that is highly soluble and guaranteed to meet animal requirements.

Manganese is essential for cartilage formation and the reproductive system. It protects against oxidation and is required for your animals’ energy supply and wellbeing.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Consistent content of trace elements
  • Uniform particles
  • Excellent flowability
  • No dust
  • Easy to handle
  • Perfect miscibility and water solubility
  • No bad odor

Find the insights you need

Your questions – our answers

What animal species does BASF's Manganese-Glycinate cover?

In which form and standard packaging do we offer Manganese-Glycinate?

How does the application of Manganese-Glycinate work?

What is the maximum allowed concentration?

Any further questions?

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Zinc is important for collagen synthesis and keratin formation in hoof, skin, wool, hair and feathers. It also has a barrier function, protects against oxidation, and has a regulatory role in both cell turnover and repair of oxidative damage. Zinc is not only responsible for the reproductive and immune system, but also for proper growth according to your animals’ full genetic potential. Additionally, zinc is a co-factor in more than 200 enzymes.
Iron is responsible for oxygen binding in blood cells. It is also the main ion in many enzymes and plays a central role in antioxidative processes. Lack of iron leads to exhaustion and reduced performance.
Copper is important for the connective tissue. This means that it plays an important part in the health of your animals’ skin and cardiovascular health, but also in the process of eggshell production. Furthermore, copper protects against oxidation and it is needed as a co-factor for various enzymes.
Animal Nutrition
At BASF, we have extensive experience in supporting farmers and farming. Our BASF Animal Nutrition business is built on proven, high-performing, and sustainable solutions that have helped farmers worldwide enhance the quality and productivity of their livestock, aquaculture, and companion animal feed.