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Animal Nutrition

Highly effective carotenoids for the animal nutrition industry

Icons: Animal feed solution for Pig, Poultry, Ruminant, Sheep, Fish, Crustaceans

We eat with our eyes. With our Lucantin® and Lucarotin® brands, we offer highly effective and efficient carotenoids for pigmenting your breakfast eggs, shrimp cocktail, or salmon filet for dinner.

When these additives are mixed with feed, they are absorbed by the animal and give the final product an attractive color. Animals cannot usually synthesize carotenoids themselves, so they need to receive them in their diet.

Next to highest quality, reliability and supply availability are amongst our priorities. This is proven by our latest investments. With our commitment to sustainability, we help you to achieve more with less: Making more efficient use of resources, with fewer inputs for the same or greater outputs. Learn more about our animal nutrition carotenoids offerings and how we can help to get the nuances of color you need.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Highly efficient and cost-effective
  • High bioavailability
  • Outstanding stability during storage and feed production
  • Color can be adjusted to meet customer's expectations

Our carotenoids portfolio

Your questions – our answers

We offer a range of five carotenoid pigments designed to provide egg yolks, broiler skin, fish or shrimp with the desired color. No matter which kind you choose, they all are cost-effective, easy to dose and handle, reliable and exceptionally bioavailable. Our sophisticated beadlet technology reliably protects the active ingredients from heat and mechanical stresses to make them more bioavailable and stable in feed production. A unique microencapsulation process ensures robust, free-flowing beadlets that are easy to use with minimal dusting. The Lucantin® and Lucarotin® carotenoids meet your demands.

Animal feed ingredientss - Photo of shrimps

Carotenoids are, for their coloring properties, incorporated into feeds in order to pigment egg yolks, broiler skin, fish and shrimp. Our products are also applied wherever carotenoids are seen to have fertility­ enhancing and health ­boosting roles. The fertility rate of cattle, swine, and horses can be improved through feeding beta­carotene. Astaxanthin and canthaxanthin, in contrast, have health and growth improving potential in larval fish and in salmonid fingerlings.

Icons: Animal feed solution for Pig, Poultry, Ruminant, Sheep, Fish, Crustaceans

Carotenoids are available in powder or beadlet form.

Icon animal feed additives in powder or granulate form

Animal feed additives - Photo of salmon meat

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Talk to your carotenoids expert

Our vitamin expert Dr. Wolf Pelletier

Dr. Wolf Pelletier, BASF SE, Germany