Whole wheat bread.
Human Nutrition

Human Nutrition


Nutrisoft® - Makes Exquisite Looking And Tasting Baked Goods Last Longer

Nutrisoft® 55 is a high performance monoglyceride suitable for a broad range of applications. Nutrisoft® 55 improves structure, texture and crumb softness in baked goods over a longer period of time.

Consumers like their food to come with perfect textures: bread and rolls in a perfect shape, with a soft and elastic crumb structure and crispy crust. All goods should have a long shelf life and retain fresh attractiveness.

Nutrisoft® 55 is a partly unsaturated distilled monoglyceride and comes in a powdered form, contributing to its high performance capabilities. It keeps bread soft and has a strong anti-staling effect, while creating a fine and elastic crumb structure. 

Nutrisoft® 55 is typically applied as part of an improver system, synergistically working with other emulsifiers (e.g. Lametop® range), enzymes, oxidizing agents and other components. In addition to its application strengths in the bakery sector, it is also universally applicable to stabilize emulsions and improve creaminess, melting properties and stability of various foods containing fat.

Benefits of Nutrisoft®

  • We are highly committed to delivering the best quality and high performance products to customers such as Nutrisoft® 55, which keeps bread soft, has a strong anti-staling effect and is suitable for low-temperature applications.
  • We provide our customers and partners with the perfect solutions for their needs and challenges through technical application services and product development as well as tailor-made training in our eight globally linked Application Labs.
  • We also offer products that meet vegetarian, kosher, halal, gluten-free, and RSPO requirements.

What makes BASF's Nutrisoft® unique? 

For decades, BASF has been highly committed to delivering the best quality products to customers. As a result, our Nutrisoft® 55 has an excellent reputation in terms of quality and consistency.

Our in-depth application expertise serves as the basis for our ability to provide customers with the perfect solutions for their needs and challenges. Delivering efficient and cost-effective solutions to our customers is of paramount importance to BASF.


Nutrisoft® 55’s neutral flavor and water dispersability make it suitable for a broad variety of applications. It is suitable for low-temperature applications and perfectly works in all water-in-oil emulsions, artisan ice cream, noodles/pasta, sauces, fat fillings, glazes and cake powder mixes.

Nutrisoft® 55 is used in yeast-raised baked goods to create a soft crumb texture and fine structure. It has an anti-staling effect, keeping bread soft throughout the storage period.

Disclaimer: The data contained in this publication are based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application of our product, these data do not relieve processors from carrying out their own investigations and tests; neither do these data imply any guarantee of certain properties, nor the suitability of the product for a specific purpose. Any descriptions, drawings, photographs, data, proportions, weights, etc. given herein may change without prior information and do not constitute the agreed contractual quality of the product. It is the responsibility of the recipient of our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislations are observed.

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