Animal Nutrition

Natupulse® TS

Icons: Animal feed solution for Pig, Poultry

Anti-nutritional factors lower the digestibility of feed and thereby increase overall production costs. 70% of the production cost for broiler and turkey are feed costs but up to 30% of the feed cannot be utilized by the animal.

Nutrients are not utilized partly due to antinutritional factors (ANFs) like ß-mannans which are contributed by soybean meal and other plant-derived protein sources in commercial diets. By adding Natupulse® TS containing the NSP enzyme ß-mannanase to the feed, nutrient and energy digestibility can be improved, supporting a more sustainable animal protein production.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Decreasing digesta viscosity
  • Increasing nutrient and energy digestibility
  • Improving feed efficiency

Natupulse® TS supports feed utilization based on three interactive modes of action

Get to know Natupulse® TS


Video Natupulse TS: Driving digestion for sustainable poultry production

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Your questions – our answers

Natupulse® TS is an NSP enzyme for poultry and pig production.

Icons: Animal feed solution for Pig, Poultry

Product name




Shelf life

Article number

Natupulse® TS Powder 8000 TMU*/g Recommended for pelleting up to 85ºC 24 mo. (= 20ºC) 50604289
Natupulse® TS L Liquid 8000 TMU*/g Recommended for post-pelleting liquid applications 24 mo. (= 20ºC) 50613046

The use of Natupulse® TS is recommended for non-pelleted compound feed, pelleted compound feed up to temperatures of 85 °C, and for use in premix.

The use of Natupulse® TS L is recommended for pelleted compound feed, especially if pelleting temperatures rises above 85 °C. The product must be sprayed on cooled and sieved pellets using an appropriate application system.

Natupulse® TS

We recommend 800 TMU/ kg feed, which is 100 g Natupulse® TS per metric ton of feed

Icon Poultry and  Pig - Animal health

Natupulse® TS L

We recommend 800 TMU/ kg feed, which is 100 g Natupulse® TS L per metric ton of feed

Icon Poultry - Animal health

Animal health - Photo of breast feathers of white broiler

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® Registered trademark of BASF in several countries.

Talk to your enzymes expert

Our enzymes expert Dr. Anna Fickler

Dr. Anna Fickler, BASF SE, Germany