Close-up of shortbread chocolate chip cookies on white plate photographed with shallow deph of field abd visible chocolate crumbs.
Human Nutrition

Human Nutrition

Biscuits & Cookies

Delicious and Perfectly Shaped Biscuits and Cookies

We offer a range of performance ingredients as emulsifiers for industrially made cookies and biscuits. Our ingredients help customers produce cookies and biscuits that have consistent shape, structure and taste, while at the same time having a homemade feel.

Biscuits and cookies come in many different shapes and sizes. Therefore, they suit almost any taste and are very popular with consumers. Our solutions help our customers improve their products at all levels, from dough properties to the size of ready-baked biscuits and cookies. Our ingredients are easy to use and perform in all types of biscuits and cookies.

By adding emulsifiers such as Lametop®, Lamemul® and Nutrisoft® to the recipe, customers can produce biscuits and cookies of consistently high quality. Furthermore, our emulsifiers help customers improve the shape, structure, texture, mouth feel and crispiness of end products. Moreover, emulsifiers ensure better dough machinability.

In addition to emulsifiers, BASF offers ammonium carbonate, a highly efficient baking agent used mainly for flat cookies.


  • We have more than 150 years experience in the dietary supplements, food and beverage industry.
  • We extend our portfolio with forward-looking products, formulations and concepts based on global trends and regional specifications.
  • We meet the highest regulatory and quality requirements with our products.
  • We support our customers and partners with technical application services and product developments as well as tailor-made training in our globally linked Application Labs.

Disclaimer: Specific regulations in the respective countries on the ingredients used, for the intended use and claims made on the final product have to be observed.