Animal Nutrition

Animal Nutrition

1,2-Propandiol USP

1,2 Propandiol (propylene glycol) is a feed additive used for multiple purposes.

In 1999, 1,2 ­Propandiol was released within the EU for use as an energy-rich animal feed. It is now mainly used in feed for ruminants, particularly dairy cattle. In the first 100 days of their lactation period, dairy cattle frequently suffer from extreme energy deficiency due to a lack of substrate for glyconeogenesis.

1,2 Propandiol (propylene glycol) is now mainly used in feed for ruminants, particularly dairy cattle. It can also serve to boost the energy content of pig and poultry feed, and it can also be used as a dog food preservative.

Effective feed strategy for dairy cattle

In the last two weeks before calving and at the start of lactation, administering propylene glycol (1,2 Propandiol USP) has proved to be particularly effective as part of a suitable feed strategy. Due to its particular effect with regard to preventing ketosis and stabilizing metabolism, propylene glycol is widely used.

Benefits of BASF´s 1,2-Propandiol USP

  • Lowers the concentration of ketone bodies
  • Supports metabolism
  • Contributes to higher milk yield and lifespan
  • For energy rich feed

In early lactation, in particular, the use of propylene glycol lowers the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood, milk and urine. This special effect of the propylene glycol can be explained through its direct conversion to oxaloacetate, and the resulting rapid elimination of the frequently occurring lack of oxaloacetate. Oxaloacetate is crucial in the energy metabolism of cows. Propylene glycol thus supports the metabolism in the liver very effectively by forming fewer ketone bodies, and reduces the risk of ketosis. Other after-effects such as milk fever, placenta problems and mastitis occur less frequently as a result. The use of propylene glycol also leads directly to a higher concentration of glucose in the blood. Numerous studies have shown increased milk production has been accompanied by lower concentrations of BHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate) in the blood.

Overall, the effect of propylene glycol is different to that of glycerol. Specifically, in dairy cows that are accustomed to glycerol, using this leads to a higher concentration of butyric acids in the rumen, which can further increase the risk of ketosis. 1,2 Propandiol USP thus contributes to a higher milk yield and lifespan, and makes the health of the animals more stable.

Dosage recommendations

Use in livestock Dosage recommendations
Increase of the blood sugar level in cows (ketosis prevention) at least 150 g per animal per day 
Energy input to feed for all animal species 2-4%
Preservation of dog food with moisture contents of 20 – 30%; moisture retention in dog food 3-5%
Dust binder for mineral feed and other very fine, mealy feeds, such as, tapioca meal about 1%
Anti-foaming agent for molasses; reduction of the viscosity of molasses 2-5%
Anti-freeze for drinking water pipes in livestock homes with simultaneous energy supplementation. Freezing protection in moist mink feed 2%

Disclaimer: National regulations may vary and need to be considered prior to product use.

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Animal Nutrition
At BASF, we have extensive experience in supporting farmers and farming. Our BASF Animal Nutrition business is built on proven, high-performing, and sustainable solutions that have helped farmers worldwide enhance the quality and productivity of their livestock, aquaculture, and companion animal feed.